sarahjane 12th February 2008

Jack when i think of you( which is all the time) so many things come to mind, im surrounded by so many things that will make me thinks of you or spark a memory, to name a few everytime i look at our family, ur seat in the sitting room, Mtv, Lost, the OC, the discovery channel ( u were fasinated by snakes ewwwwwwwwwwww), history channel, friends ( our fav episode bout monica, dont think i could watch it again),Nas,Biggie all hip hop reminds me of u actually, lacoste, tommy hilfigure, ralph l, Ed hardy, baseball caps, adriana lima ( u were obsessed lol), saturday mornins, the day i lost you, that used to be our time when id be talkin your head off,floyd mayweather,Chris Rock, the hill ( every friday night without fail), vegas ( u always wanted to go and watch a fight there),farenhite aftershave,p.c, god the list is endless you were such a big part of my life that i know there will not be a day where im not reminded of you and how much i miss you, i couldnt forget u jacko even if i tried and i know u wont forget bout me, pop into my dreams from time to time huni, so we can have a chat, cos i miss our chats most of all, i can still hear ya roarin my name through the house scarin the life out of me when you'd be only lookin for a cup of tea or to show me sumthin on telly. Youre forever in my heart jack......... xxxxxxxxx